Monday, September 23, 2013

10 Ways Your Facility Can Become More Environmentally Friendly

Toyota is committed to continuously improving its environmental stewardship, and is asking its partners to do the same. Instituting recycling programs, minimizing pollution and promoting the advantages of electric-powered lift trucks are just a few considerations that make a difference. Here are 10 ways that will help your facility become more environmentally friendly:

  1. Minimize waste by recycling and looking at your process to reduce the amount of raw materials used.
  2. For remaining waste, consider a waste-to-energy facility. Is there a way to reuse the waste that was created?
  3. Consider changing your thermostat. Allowing the temperature range to be a little warmer in the summer months and cooler in the winter months can have a very positive impact on the environment and reduce your company's overall carbon footprint.
  4. Increase your number of alternative fuel lift trucks, whether electric, propane or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). For example, propane is non-toxic and clean-burning, so it's versatile enough for indoor or outdoor applications. It's also safe and economical and requires little maintenance.
  5. Start a recycling program at your facility. Set goals for reduction in waste that goes to landfills.
  6. Install an energy-efficient lighting system.
  7. Encourage your vendors and partners to adopt "green" initiatives.
  8. Encourage carpooling among employees and offer incentives for doing so.
  9. See if fast charging makes sense for your facility, and reduce the number of batteries used.
  10. Recycle used oil.
Following these simple tips can not only help your facility become more environmentally friendly, but also help lower your overall operating costs. Shoppa's Mid America can start you on the right track with alternative fuel lift trucks and battery washing and maintenance programs. Contact us today to get started on your own environmental stewardship program today.

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