Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Toyota Launches New Interactive Fuel Efficiency App

Smartphone, iPhone and Tablet-Enables App Helps Users Analyze Fuel Savings and Productivity on the Go

Toyota, the supplier for the No. 1 selling lift truck in North America, launched its Toyota Forklift Fuel Efficiency Calculator application (app) to help users estimate fuel efficiency savings and performance for their forklift fleet. The interactive Forklift Fuel Efficiency Calculator is available on iPhones, smartphones, iPads and Android tablets.

“Mobile phones and tablets are an extension of the workplace. This app makes perfect sense to provide businesses with instant access to their potential forklift fleet fuel savings, productivity and efficiency gains,” said Trent Turner, Sales Manager at Shoppa’s Mid America.

The free downloadable app provides users with the ability to enter their detailed material handling specification. The calculator measures a number of user-specific variables including fuel efficiency, run times per cycle and speed advantage per cycle.

The app then breaks out the detailed fuel efficiency user specs into the following data options:

·         Fuel gallons per hour per unit

·         Run time improvement per LPG tank

·         Speed advantage per cycle

·         Average time per cycle

Download the Toyota Forklift Fuel Efficiency Calculator App:      iPhone     Android     Online Version

If you would like more information on the Toyota product line, contact Shoppa’s Mid America today!

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