Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To Rent or to Buy: That is the Question

Purchasing lift equipment is an important decision, particularly when production at your company begins to gradually increase or a short-term project is undertaken. But when should you invest in a piece of equipment by purchasing it and when should you simply rent a piece of equipment to meet your needs? Use the following questions to determine if you should rent or buy.

Has the increase of business been caused by a particular event?
Almost every company has been touched by the economy and experienced a decrease in operation, so it is exciting to have an increase of business. However, it is important to research the reason for this increase and understand why it is happening. If you can’t determine with certainty that the increase is permanent, renting lift equipment is the better option. Renting lifts allows a short-term commitment, obligating your company to only a monthly, weekly or daily expense. Use a rental to maintain peak levels of productivity to ensure that your customer orders are met.

What is the length of the short-term project?
Short-term projects may be internal or brought on by a customer request. It is important to determine the length of the project and obstacles that can lengthen or shorten it. If your project is planned to be 6 months or longer, you may find it more beneficial to purchase a lift. Dollars used for the monthly rental can be invested into a purchase of a new or pre-owned lift.

Do you need a specialty lift?
While some companies have a need for a mixed fleet, your equipment may be standard for your operation. If a specialty lift is needed for a project, rental allows flexibility to have access to equipment you would not normally purchase. Only consider a lift purchase if the equipment can be used with long-term, daily operations.

Did your company budget for a lift purchase?
Most of us are being cautious about budgeting and setting aside dollars only for immediate needs. If business has been unpredictable, more than likely your company did not set aside budget dollars for a purchase. Keeping rental as your option decreases the risk of not having the cash flow you need for other projects or emergencies.

Are you concerned the need for equipment will become long-term?
If the increase to your business appears to be stable and long-term, paying for a rental may seem like a waste of money. In this case, select a Rental Purchase Option (RPO) for a new or pre-owned lift. The RPO allows you to put a portion of your monthly rental payment toward the purchase of the selected lift, but doesn’t commit you to the acquisition.

Learn more about how Shoppa’s Mid America can help you with your rental and new and pre-owned equipment purchase needs.

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